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Log 2016051201

I spent hours shopping today. I installed new bolts, nuts, washers and a 3" x 1/16" x 2" shim on the driver's side exterior bar mirror.  I had the hardware to do the passenger's side, but the replacement stainless steel bolt on the driver's side snapped.  The storage facility closes at 8pm, so I was running out of time.

I also purchased deer whistlers since the motorhome isn't so easy to slow down quickly, or come to a "screeching" halt.  While the overhead cab's interior needs to be replaced, until it is, it would be an excellent time to mount some auxiliary lights (like KC's) on the top forward of the motor home.  But it should probably get some fog lamps under the front bumper first.

I had to purchase a new analog compass today.  My previous one had a built in digital clock in it, but the compass wasn't turning.  And that might be because the very top edge of my 1988 Itasca Sundancer's Ford Econoline dashboard slants downward.

I forgot to get electrical connectors for my Radio Shack switch that's being installed to kill the power to the new power socket.

Right now, I have a bowl of mothballs sitting in a compartment that's underneath the master bed.  Later, I hope to purchase a mouse trap with green, rectangular bait.  That way, I can determine if there are any more mice on board.

The plan for tomorrow is to continue upgrading the mirror and CB antennas hardware.  Then take off the interior cab cover for the engine and have a look at it and see if there are any immediate needs.  If not, then I might try to make the Buckeye Trail's "TrailFest" in Zoarville of Tuscarawas County.

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