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I was at Summit Racing today inquiring about replacing the motorhome's gas tank, low pressure fuel pump and sending unit.  The clerk assured me that they won't be able to do anything about any one of those until I drop the tank that's in it and look.  That's the very situation that I've been trying to avoid.  I want all the parts before it comes down.  Apparently, that's not the way it's going to be.

Right now, the least invasive solution will be to try and find the ground for the low pressure fuel pump. Then use a Y branch connector to redirect it to a new ground and see if that works?  My theory is that since the fuel gauge doesn't work either, that it's a combination unit.  I think that if the fuel gauge reads correctly, then they'll both be on.  And for this, it would be better to have about 15 gallons of gas in the tank.  So, it's just a matter organizing what needs to be done, in what sequence and where?  I can't lift the motorhome at the storage unit.  It's forbidden.  Instead, I have a relatives house with a narrow driveway and about 12 hours to have the job done and get it out of there.  That's taking my ignorance and the unknown into account (I've never dropped a tank before, nor have I ever seen one done).

But the theory is that the ground on the reverse lights are out. with the Y branch and the multimeter, I'll have to test it's positive to confirm that.

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