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A minor set back, but the installation of Google Earth on The Robot returned some error codes.  So, I set Windows Update to run a check.  Turns out it hasn't been run and that's probably the problem.  The bad news is that this could take hours.

With the motorhome still in the shop, I've issued myself a "spending moratorium."  Keep in mind that I haven't subscribed to cable television in 8 years and I'm not use to being bored.  Well, I need something to do.  One thing is that I could write the Whipple (Section - Buckeye/ North Country Trail) Stability Plan.  It would detail all of the trail promotion necessary to pick up another 4 trail maintainers.  It might also include the possibility of establishing a chapter for The Wilderness Loop, or an association that covers both that and some of the American Discovery Trail in SE Ohio and NW West Virginia.  In my opinion, we should promote all three at once since they share Washington County.

But the other thing is why I decided to give re-programming The Robot a try is for it's power.  This machine is necessary to work with the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource and display large portions of it at once. Such graphic work on my laptop will crash Google Earth on it.  And it takes everything it has to display the GIS data from the North Country Trail Association.  Well, there's need on the American Discovery Trail.  And if I track that distance trail from the Atlantic Ocean in Delaware to the Indiana/ Illinois Lines on both Midwest routes, that load should come quite close to the OTHR.

As for the other 3/4ths of it, I'd really need help from another amateur cartographer.  This is because I don't know even if I can commit to it?  The problem is that there really aren't many people who can do what I do.  If I really want to help the situation, what I should is organize an online GPS mapping class with webcams so that the students could ask questions.  Because somethings would be trail specific, I'd probably have to tailor it to to the Buckeye, North Country and American Discovery Trails.

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