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Motorhome Key Control

I keep my motorhome and other keys separate.   Both link to the belt loops or liners in my pants with carabiners.  I keep copies of everything at my support's house with a USPS Express Mail envelope and a prepaid card for postage in case anything. 

But on the motorhome's keys, some of the rings were the inferior aluminum kind.  And in my car, I don't remember what it was?  Maybe my seatbelt caught one and pried it open and now one of my keys fell down the crack and is under the seat.

A couple days ago, I went to fill up the motorhome at the gas station and realized that the missing key was to a cash box that I kept in a cabinet for key control.  The key to the fuel door was in there, but I was able to pry the box open and get it.

Today, I stopped at Lowes and bought a new carabiner, rings and a treaded link.  The threaded link is probably steel.  It's like a link in a chain with a hex piece that screws and unscrews.  This way, I can unscrew it while the motorhome is on and still get into a compartment, or take something off of the hitch?  This is all stronger now.

If you wondering, not all of the outside compartments are keyed the same on my motorhome.  So, I went around one day and mapped them out.  Then I got an aluminum cash box, which is something that a community organization uses take money and hand out change from for a fundraiser.  I was going to use stick on hooks inside, then use double sticky foam tape to mount it somewhere in the motorhome for "key control."  But I'm not sure that I'll need it anymore?  My setup on the rings looks pretty good now.

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