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Log 2016071002

The seat covers that I bought for the motorhome... I don't like them.  They require that something passes through the crack of the seat to the other side.  But the other side doesn't have a reciprocal crack to feed it through.  Meanwhile, I was hoping for something with more padding that was a little more sporty feeling.

Well, I didn't get a mechanic today.  Instead, I did some work with the multi meter.  I found out that the reverse lights work with the same 1157 bulbs that the tail lights do.  Their maybe a problem with a ground.  That will have to be ascertained before I trace their wire back to the transmission.  But the hardware inside of the lens cap looks good.

As I mentioned in my last log, I tested the positive terminals on the auxiliary battery and generator and found their voltages reading at 12V on both ends.  That eliminated the possibility of being an unknown power drain.  The auxiliary generator requires a voltage of at least 7V to start.

The generator wouldn't start today.  That's a surprise because it usually likes to turn over for 15 seconds after the motorhome's been in motion.  I once heard somewhere that generators won't start if the gas tank is only 1/4th full.  Since it probably not very advanced to only insert a gas line so far in a tank, I assume that this is probably true on my motorhome, too?  With my fuel gauge being broken and roughly estimating what it probably has in it now, it's in the relm of possibility that it is that low.

At the moment, I've been filling up every 200 miles and have been tracking it's MPG's using the amount of gallons on the gas pumps display.  It's getting to be time for another fill-up.  The MPG's have been going up lately and the latest data still doesn't account for the new fuel pump and filter. I might increase it to a 300 mile fill-up intervals, even in light of its continuing engine problem.

I mentioned in a previous article that I found the drain valve for the water reservoirs.  That I most certainly did.  After I pressed it down and left Storage B, I drove it to a relatives house, filled it up and it held water... well almost.  There's still a slight leak in the valve, but it will certainly hold water for a few days.  But it did add an extra bounce on the road today when trying to transport both containers full.

I don't know for sure what their capasities are.  My guess it that they might combine for 30 gallons?  Also, the electronic display above the range and the water pump works.  This is good because now when I'm working on the motorhome at Storage C, I might now have a working toilet.  And even though the containers might need cleaned, I might be able to boil my water?  I've seen my range work before I bought the motorhome 66 days ago, but I haven't used it since.

When at a stop light today, it was if one cylinder almost wants to stall sometimes.  But it doesn't always do this at every stop.  However, in park at Storage C, I gave it a rev and it nearly shook the cab and sounded just like a V8 should.  I'm use to 4-cylinder compact cars, so it was impressive.

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