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Log 2015102801

The amenity spur from the local transit agency LAKETRAN (listed on the OTHR as "LT") to the present Bedford 24 has been amended.  The reason is that the original amenity spur was routed from Lakeland Community College, and then to OH-306 where the speed limit is 40MPH with aggressive and congested traffic.  For the next edition, I decided to route transit hikers through Lakeland's back entrance on Garfield Road to the Lake Metroparks maintenance drive on the NE side of the Penitentiary Glen Reservation.  In the next edition, this transit point will be known as Bedford 24 - NE.

I did try to route using the Kirtland Connector Trail, but in by-passing the affected hill on OH-306, it brought it's total length up to 4.1 miles.  That means that it's 0.1mi too long to meet the specifications for the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource (OTHR).

Log 2015102701

So, I started entering information pertaining to what portion of the Buckeye, North County and American Discovery trails a certain public parking area is near.  But on the intersections with Buckeye's circuit, I also added information pertaining to the Sea-to-Sea Route (C2C), their nearest incorporated area and overall place of termination.  So when the NCT's west independent arm turns north from the Defiance Section, it reads "Liberty Center/ Lake Sakakawea/ Olympic NP."

Yesterday, I noted that I plan to add the public parking area's location more specifically by letting the user know what township, village or city that it's located in.  It would be good to do this now because I have polygons on Google Earth that are specifically suited for this here at my desk.  Otherwise, these prospective hikers might not ever know because this information is usually hard to get... Then depending on the document, it could be hard to set up, or difficult to get right.

But I made a post showing a complete circuit of public parking along the Buckeye Trail in it's Facebook group two days ago.  And another member asked if I took information on the availability of "bathrooms."  Unfortunately, I didn't consider it at the time, but this and the public library project are extremely compatible with that.  To the end that I would have to guess that 2/3rds of the work for it would already be done.  Particularly because we would already know exactly where to look.  The only thing that would have to be added would be places like shopping malls and some government buildings (for instance).

When the public parking data is published, I doubt that I will have the time soon to embark on the bathrooms project.  But if there is such a person who would like to do this, and I imagine that they'd do it for BT, NCT, ADT, but not all...  Considering that the ADT & NCT are concurrent, I'd ask that they share their data and send it to me via e-mail to so that I might complete the rest of the covered trails, or I could share we can share it with others.

For an unmarried man without children, I divide 2/3rds of my free time to the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource (OTHR), and the remainder to the Buckeye Trail.  That started in October and that will run until March 1st. From my end of things, the request for bathroom data is a Buckeye Trail one.  Unfortunately, I have to shift my Buckeye Trail time back over to developing promotional needs for the Whipple Section - BT, which I'm the (volunteer) Section Supervisor and lead our efforts for 57.6 miles of trail in Southeast Ohio.  Indefinitely, it has priority.


Log 2015102601

As I finished up the parking data for the American Discovery Trail (ADT) in Ohio, that concludes the plotting of waypoints for public parking areas along the covered distance trails for the most part.  Now, I just have to adjust their positions and state what city, village or townships.  These and whatever I entered in them before are for Google Earth's internal search ability.


Log 2015102401

It's all about doing a more through job.  Right now, I have about 4 counties left of charting public parking areas.  I need to get this done so I can base OTHR's dial-a-ride/ shared ride/ curb-to-curb transit in the most optimal locations for the hiker and the transit agency.  Next year's add-on to the resource regards winter hiking.  And by that, I mean to suggest to the hiker that they need to pick a boarding/ disembarking location that is on pavement.

But this GPX file that I am writing also stands to benefit any hiker using the same distance trails covered in the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource.

On another note, I've been using and I have my account configured to monitor all 26 Buckeye Trail sections.  I'm happy to report that it's working perfectly.  I monitor these pages for changes in a sections map edition, as well as new or modified trail alerts and map updates.  Usually what happens is that I have to go through my BT maps at least once annually and compare the individual edition dates to make sure that they match.  If not, then I have to purchase replacement maps.  Also, I mark the ones with map updates with a permanent marker so that way if I go out to one of them, I'll be immediately prompted to print those updates.

Log 2015102301

This past week, I cataloged over 120 public parking areas between the Buckeye and North Country National Scenic Trails in Ohio and I still about 600 more miles to go (including the independent American Discovery).  I'm hoping that this will help coordinate dial-a-ride/ shared ride/ curb-to-curb style transit around the state.  I mentioned on the Buckeye Trail's Facebook Group that I may need these to assist me in writing a schedule with a mock winter hiker.

At the moment, I'm not sure if the availability of transit will offset the loss of seasonal camping/ lodging amenities.


Log 2015091602

The rules for routing a mock thru hiker on the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource are:

Buckeye Trail
The W, N & E
20 miles per day + 4.9 mile reserve = 24.9 miles total output
Amenities must be 4.0 miles or less from the trail.

15 miles per day + 3 mile reserve = 18.0 miles total output
Amenities must be 3.0 miles from the trail

North Country and American Discovery Trail - Independent Arms
20 miles per day + 4.9 mile reserve = 24.9 miles total output
Amenities must be 4.0 miles or less from the trail.

The rules for routing a mock 10-mile hiker on the OTHR are:

All Distance Hiking Trails (that are covered by the OTHR)
10.0 miles per day + 2.5 mile reserve = 12.5 miles total output
Amenities must be 2.5 miles from the trail.

- If the reserve mileage is invoked, that day will be followed by an automatic zero day to prevent the mock hiker from overexerting themself.

- In the event of a mixed day, a percentage will be taken from the first surface and that number will be subtracted from the second surface.  That percentage will be the remaining distance that can be covered there.

Log 2015101601

I purchased Windows 10 Professional today from Micro Center in Mayfield Heights of Cuyahoga County today and a new 5 port USB 2.0 PCI card that inserts into a slot on the the motherboard, inside the computer case.  The USB card claims that it's compatable with Windows 8.1 and there was nothing in the store that was proven to work with 10.  Microsoft skipped 9 in their version numbering, so I'm hoping that the card will work if I do a Windows 10 fresh install.

I attempted to upgrade from my present Windows Vista Ultimate operating system, but Windows 10 the setup didn't like either Vista, or my 32 bit system.  So, I'll have to try a fresh installation of 10, which means re-installing and re-configuring every piece of hardware and application.  That too long last time.

With my media center computer being 7 years old and for the most part, I couldn't power down the hardware when I wasn't using it because it's been used like a server and I didn't like the lag time when my laptop had to wake it up from a remote public Wi-Fi.  The last that I knew, CPU's only last +/- 10 years, so it's time could be coming up soon.  The plan is over the next couple months to upgrade to a new quad core, a 64 bit motherboard and maybe a new 1,200 watt power supply.  And with the motherboard, that will probably mean new SDRAM modules.

With my media center's case being so large, it has the capacity to hold and interface a second CPU and SDRAM on a smaller motherboard to the main one.  With Ohio Transit Hikers Resource, normally, I only enable the view on Google Earth for the immediate area that I'm working on to save computer resources.  But sometimes, I have to turn all of Buckeye, North Country and part of American Discovery Trails, while overlaying them with everything from the resource on occasion.  Because of North Country Trail's 4,500 miles, it can bog my computer down.


Link to List of Millennial Legacy Trails

You can find a list of the 50 Millennial Legacy Trails on Page 6 of THIS PDF from the Federal Trail Data Standards - National Park Service.


Log 2015091101

I've spent the last 4 days cleaning and critiquing The Robot some more.  At this time, I'm using a USB Wireless N antenna until I pull my mounted network card out to determine what model it is so I can download drivers and get the internal working again.  While I'm at it, I'll have to pull the 4 port USB 2.0 card out and examine it some more.  I plan to upgrade the operating system in the upcoming months, so I'll be determining if these two pieces of hardware are even compatible with it?  And I have a higher grade sound card that I don't think is handling playback correctly, but it comes with a lot options.

With my laundry done and a pitcher of tea made, the plan is to draw 50 mile and 175 mile polygons based on straight line distance to the outside of the Buckeye Trail circuit along the Whipple Section.  Polygons are shapes with unlimited sides.  I already have an 8 mile corridor (4mi on either side of the trail) drawn based on walking distance using every thoroughfare that intersects it..  This is something that I use in Google Earth when searching for amenities and addresses.  If it's in that polygon, it's in range of hikers.  And so it's about using it for a quick reference.

The 50 & 175 are proposed promotion areas for the section.  They too are a quick reference to essentially determine what's practical.


Log 2015100701

The Robot has been reprogrammed, stabilized and will be ready for volunteerism on the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource project later today.  But it does have a few problems, still.


Log 2015100502

The Robot is stable and I am installing it's 38 applications

Log 2015100501

So far, I think that the RAID controller checks out.  The third hard disk and a DVD-RW drive worked without freezing the computer in DOS before booting Windows.  But the fourth hard disk froze the computer just as it was getting it's initial account of devices connected to the RAID.

The fourth device is a refurbished 750GB Seagate hard disk from Micro Center in Mayfield Heights of Cuyahoga County.  I just purchased it about 3 days ago.  Right now, I'm doing a total wipe of the Track 0 and Master Boot Record.  It's hooked up as an external drive to my laptop right now and is slated to take about 11 hours to complete.  At this point, I could have made an error when I partitioned and formatted it earlier.  But this "scrub" that I'm running is necessary to determine that.  All this is just to start working on the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource (OTHR) maps.

Like I said before, the computer boots fine with only three of the hard disks.  But the fourth is the largest one and is slated to be the main repository for my documents, map repository and media library.  If I cross my fingers, this drive will work and I can get some additional information on two cards to download drivers, install them, my 38 applications and be ready to work on the OTHR on Wednesday.


Log 2015100401

The Robot's cables can mount hard disk drives to the motherboard itself.  I have some there.  But if you want to have a faster system, one of the things that you might do is install what's called a "RAID" controller.  That's when you plug your drives into an expansion card, which frees up some of the motherboard's resources.  Well, my RAID controller might be bad.

Right now, the RAID's driver is installed in Windows, but the three drives assigned to are unplugged pending further investigation.  The next step is to shut The Robot down, plug one in, turn it on and see what happens.  If it doesn't work, shut it back down, unplug that drive, plug another one in and repeat.  If it does then plug them both in and see what happens?

On my white boards, I took a list of 38 applications that need to be installed to The Robot.  When the RAID works again, they'll be strategically installed on 3 of the 4 hard disk drives.  The one that, for the most part, will not have anything installed to is the main drive which stores the operating system.  I don't want it doing much of anything else except Windows.  That should keep the drive's read/ write from being diverted.

Now by using expansion network, video and sound cards, I've been able to turn off their motherboard counterparts off, which also frees up more resources.  Only the front side and rear mounted USB ports divert the mother board now.  The motherboard is maxed out on RAM (memory).  Since I bought a cheaper motherboard 8 years ago, it has a PGA 775 socket, which was used in the Pentium 4 systems. I have Intel Core 2 Quad CPU's in it, so it too is maxed out.  In order to upgrade the system, it will require a new motherboard, CPU, RAM, Windows 10 and possibly the replacement of cards that I already own (the one's that I already have may not be compatible with the other upgrades).

I just got my security suite running.  The problem is that The Robot needed things from the web before it was installed.  Even with Windows Firewall, it's a ticking clock.  When I use to have a computer repair business, a system using broadband Internet usually takes on mal-ware, or viruses in about 40 minutes of being on-line.

Log 2015100401

One or two of my hard disks in The Robot is causing a hardware conflict. This has never happened before. In fact, I can't remember ever having hard disks conflicts in any computer and I've been working on them for 20 years now. I'm busy transferring 80GB of data off one of them so that I can start repartitioning it.
I'm also considering upgrading from Windows Vista to 10. But I've got to watch my hardware, some of it might not be comparable with it.


Log 2015100201

I'm performing intensive diagnostics on one my custom built media center computer. It's never been easy to setup, or re-install the operating system, or apps.

This computer is my most powerful machine. During the development of a new edition for the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource (OTHR), it handles everything that is graphic intensive (such ad mapping), while the guide and other written documents are usually made, or altered on my lesser powerful laptop.  At times, I use my tablet and smartphone as well to distribute the load. All together, it's about 16 gigahertz of processing power, about 16 total gigabytes of random access memory and about a total 1,800 gigabytes (about 1.7 terabytes) of combined on-board storage.  These days, that's pretty formidable.


Log 2015100101

I'm working with one of my computer's at the moment.  It's a large custom built, Intel Core Quad with 8GB of RAM, four physical hard disk drives, two dvd burners, 16 USB ports and it's all inside of a 3ft tall case that I call "The Robot."  It's configuration is that of a "media center" that was designed for storing and playing movies over my 42" plasma screen TV.  Right now, it's the most powerful machine that I have and at times, it barely gets the job done when working with the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource.  Most of the hardware is 7 years old.  Central Processing Units (CPU's) are only rated for about 10 years.

Before I left for Marietta, one of the hard disks failed and now the main disk with the operating system just went.  The truth is that the motherboard, CPU, and RAM need to be replaced and the 750W power supply needs to get upgraded to something like a 1200W to help boost the performance of the system to fluently handle everything that OTHR has to throw at it.

Before Marietta, I was living in a room where the ambient humidity got well below 30% and I know that I subjected the chassis to a few good shocks before I got a humidifier.  So, the hard disk failure is probably my fault.  I'd like to replace it with a solid state hard disk.  They're expensive, but I only need to run the operating system from it, so I don't need a real big one.