Additional materials from the Appalachian, Buckeye, Colorado, Continental Divide and Pacific Crest Trails may be needed in addition to the GPS data that I'm already accumulating. They might have more campsite data, particularly in the way of camp shelters.
- Some of you might like to know that Folsom State Prison is just off of the American Discovery Trail - California. The exit off trail at Folsom Auburn and Folsom Lake Rds. Looks like the prison is about 1.3 miles off trail.
White River NF has what I'd call an unusual dispersed camping area. From the ADT - Colorado, the hiker has to spur away from the trail to be on Georgia Pass/ South River Road/ Forest Road 355. I wrote some unofficial spurs and made camping icons displaying when adventurist would be on that road. The unofficial spurs were made out to about 2.15 miles. The adventurist reaches this road usually well before then, but what I do at the desk is just theory. But those adventurist... they're the application.
I got a shapefile on federal properties yesterday from It's not as good as the BLM property parcel data that I got from their navigator and the State of Utah. was missing some private properties. But it did give me some insight in to other areas, such as BLM in California, Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation. One site that I did not map was at Carson Lake in Nevada. Apparently, it may still be in the midst of a superfund clean-up for mercury??? That was announced in 2004 and there were some articles about the State of Nevada taking it over. But I can't find anything recent, or a name change.
As I've been mapping, I've been keeping a list of things to add. That list got a little smaller today. What's left is:
Continue to check counties for parks with camping
Add NPS overlays and add their campgrounds
Overlay Colorado, Utah and Nevada State Parks, Forests and Wildlife Management Areas
Check all states for conservation areas
Now, I might add to the list as the need arises, but this is pretty much where I'm at. I wish I could tell you how many megabytes this thing is up to, but honestly, I won't know until I'm done with it.
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