Today, I've been getting data prepped and backed up to The Robot. I forgot that when The Robot was having problems, I tethered it's hard disk drives to the laptop and set it's anti-virus software to it's most discriminate setting. A through anti-virus scan is a standard procedure of mine for backing systems up.
I also reviewed the reasoning for some of my strategies concerning the Whipple Section. It's somewhat common for hikers and maintainer/ volunteers to be in two different worlds. And there's plenty that I don't understand about some of the people in SE Ohio. It may take some research in the genealogy library to learn about causes, effects and the evolution of the subculture.
If your from SE Ohio, just remember that I like you, but there's somethings about me that I don't want to tell you. I'm about to become a public person who values my privacy. But in the interests of saving time, I think that what some need to know about me is I'm "practical" and "effective" as a person. Almost relentless, or unapologetically maybe. I'm just driven. And I wear nice clothes, but really I'm not materialistic, or driven by money, yet I'm not wealthy. In fact, I have what I need and I'm satisfied.
This area of the Buckeye Trail got off to a rocky start and hasn't had it very good ever since. When you look at the Whipple Section over the past year, operationally this probably is the most stable its ever been. We're the furthest and one of the most difficult sections for most of our hikers and members to reach. So when I mention that trail promotion is our #1 priority, what we really have to do is recruit two new volunteers as trail adopters here in Year 02 to keep us from burning out in Year 03. If you want to equate voluntarism to work, then some of my duties can entail things like "resources" and "personnel." Even though, we're not titled as such officially, section supervisors are lot like presiding officers in a local chapter of a larger organization.
So, my going theory is that I promote the Buckeye/ North Country Trail in the Parkersburg (WV)/ Marietta (OH) for Whipple's needs. But those cities are a part of a metropolitan area that's defined by the U. S. Census Bureau . Most of our sister section, the Road Fork's off-road is also in that area, but they're further away and in remote territory. Nonetheless, I think that I'm eventually going to hear of some interest for the Road Fork. Since they're a part of the same traffic pattern, it don't matter to me who benefits. Because if we had them, it's going to improve the rankings of both sections no matter the new adopter is placed.
I've been working on transportation lately. Before I mentioned that I had devised an direct, 8 hour, 18 mi on-road by-pass of the AEP ReCreation Land so that unassisted hikers didn't have to redundantly travel 30 miles over 3 days on the BT that they've already covered. But now, I might have a way to forgo that altogether. And like I said, if things go right, then the redundancy on the BT will be zero. According to my Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource (OTHR) data, the redundancy at the bottom of The Little Loop where the Akron and Massillon Sections intersect is only about 116ft. That's very good.
But this might be even better?
This is the adventure and volunteerism log for Matthew Dexter Edmonds, aka "Treeman." Aside from Blogger comments, contact information is listed on Google+. And all places mentioned in this log are in the State of Ohio in United States of America unless otherwise stated. "The Wayne" = the Wayne NF.
Also, the motorhome mentioned is a 25ft, 1988 Itasca Sundancer, Model IF424RC with a Ford Econoline cutaway unless otherwise stated. It runs a 351 Windsor EFI V8 engine.
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