I drove to Medina today because the schedules for the Medina County Public Transit's [coded: T LTA (MED)] fixed routes for the city confused me when I attempted to use them to construct a system map on Google Earth. So, I drove to there with the intention of boarding their 2 fixed routes today and one tomorrow with a GPS to record, or track their routes. While I got there on time, I went it to the local Hawkins Market grocery store to ask if the transit vehicle just ran along the road, or did it circle through their parking lot. The answer was inconclusive. Doing that cut into the 15 minutes that I was supposed to be outside waiting for the bus and I think that I missed it?
So, I drove down to the transit garage and got a turn by turn description of their route. Afterwards, I went home and used the document to construct (MED)'s Medina City fixed routes. There are three. Two of them run on weekdays and the other is a Saturday route. All three of them are circulators that travel in one direction only. 9.5 miles of the Buckeye Trail can be hiked with this fixed route system. It also has access to a number of lodging establishments.
All the corrections have been made to the guide rough draft for the 2016 Edition of the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource (OTHR). Later, I purchased one license of Microsoft Office for about $160 today. It was either that or Adobe Reader DC Pro for about $300. I was using Open Office Writer, but it has a mysterious way of deleting "LL's" (like in WILLIAMSBURG) every time that I open the rough draft. It's a good word processor, but I can't have it doing that when I'm days away from publishing the new edition. Anyways the spell check isn't as good and the grammar check is malfunctioning. And the one thing that MS Word does that open office doesn't is save in the Portable Document File (PDF) format. I needed something that would not only do that, but carry over the bookmark links within the document for easy navigation over it's 83 full size pages. Not to mention that it's integral for smartphone use.
A month or so ago, I purchased a new replacement 1 Terabyte hard disk drive for The Robot. It turns out it didn't need the replacement and I kept it beyond the 15 day return limit for electronics. The good thing is that it only cost $35 new. So my plan is to install it in an external enclosure and attach it to my router one day to create a network access storage (NAS). I already have the automatic system back-up software for both The Robot and and laptop. If I install this NAS, I probably won't have to back-up to a DVD or external hard drive. That's good for the automatic back-up.
With two catastrophic computer failures within 3 months of each other, and with them both during OTHR season, you could say that I'm not "messing around" anymore :-)). I need healthy systems to develop new editions. Only The Robot can display all three distance hiking trails, their nearby amenities and a full display of relevant public transit at once. The laptop just doesn't have a strong enough CPU for it.
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