I installed a new Bluetooth mouse and headset to my laptop. I didn't have Bluetooth until recently.
It's 8°F outside and the hygrometer on my desk is reading below 30%. That's not good for my computer equipment. Right now, I'm wearing thermal boots with thick soles, hopefully I won't pass a static shock.
I had to unseat and re-seat my four port expansion USB 3.0 card today. I have a 7 port USB 3.0 hub connected to it and The Robot wasn't reading it. It does now. I double sticky taped the hub to the corner of my desk. The Robot isn't always convenient to get to.
While I disgarded points of interest, I completed the re-formatting and organizing of the NCTA's Point Data today. What I can say about it is that from a logistical stand point for a thru hiker, the NCTA cateloged mostly campsites on governmental reservations. Most dispersed camping and commercial amenities are not present. The data also doesn't have much in the way of lodging.
But if I make up the difference, I think that the NCT will be the hike compliant. Stay tuned to these logs over the next couple months for that determination.
I'm currently working on a new form of storage. The next step will be to alter the tracks. Mine started off from a copy downloaded years ago. In comparison with a newer download, I just need to make some "tweaks."
Next will probably be downloading and importing National Forest reservation polygons, along with campground, dispersed camp areas, trails and utility roads.
From there, it will be interesting to see what kind of GIS information that I get from the states?
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