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Chapter Ideas Dec 18, 2017

This is the cold days.  Since nothing grows, it's not much good for trail maintenance.  Therefore, that which can wait... does.  Most desk tasks do.  One of the things being considered now what if Adventurer's Project becomes a chapter?  And what it it do in the mean time that involves other volunteers?

If a chapter has lengthier meetings, the "weight" of everything going on my cause the chapter's overall progress to stall, or "spin it's wheels."  The meetings need to be about an hour long and have some continuity between them.  In theory, they could take place on-line with something that supports multiple feeds from webcams and microphones.  Otherwise, a multi-party phone call could be done with a small handful of other participants.  They could press a key on their phones when they wish to be recognized.  I recently purchased a copy of the "Robert's Rules of Order," which publishes meeting etiquette, efficiency and rules for procedure.  I'm already familiar with it somewhat and I'm thinking that an abridged version of it should be published for other chapter meetings on in the Buckeye Trail Association.

I don't want to dictate how the chapter will turn out.  In fact, I've been leaving somethings purposely unresolved until more people can weigh in on the matter.  What it's name is going to be for instance.  This is because if I want this chapter to last, it's best to have the input of the members in how it will be set up to run.  As for the charter members, this chapter needs to fit them as much "like a glove" as possible.  I really want them to function well, but like being in it.  I like to balance proactivity with reactivity.  They're opposites.  And it's healthier to be a bit of both.  Where it might be prudent to be proactive about something, on the other hand, you might be overcompensating for things which might not happen, or do it too often.  In the reactive, our unofficial span of the trail now is so remote and under developed (the areas hiking program), that I haven't had much cause to accommodate more mild mannered, or particularly sensitive people.  And my involvement in other BTA events is spotty.  In speculation, I think that this project and the creation of a chapter will altar things like this.  When and if the conditions work their way, we will compensate for it in due course.  Getting back to those personalities, I've been Whipple's supervisor for 3 years now and I've only started getting experience with it 6 months ago.  I need to be subjected to more. 

Whatever comes of Adventurer's Project will have to be efficient and probably aggressive.  And the reason being is that the latest "intelligence" on the area suggests that it's going to be an uphill struggle to promote the trail to reach Buckeye/ North Country's design parameters in the Caldwell, New Matamoras and Marietta areas... even if we promote in West Virginia.  And It's never been easy to recruit new volunteers in SE Ohio. 

I value audacity, but within bounds.  It's been necessary to dare to do certain things.  I've been thinking today that I should document all of the innovative ways that we use, or could use.

Buckeye chapter's are working with out officer lines currently.  I don't want to do that.  But I think that we could adopt a Galveston approach so that everyone has a specialty and they are the top "authority" on the matter.  They'll be responsible for forming their own teams, if they want one.  Elected among them will be the chapter chairman, who will tend to their own duties, set a meeting addenda and see that decorum is observed.  One of those chapter councilmen needs to be at least a Secretary/ Treasurer to record the minutes, report on them at the next meeting and tend to the chapter's finances.  They may have to send out dues notices for members of the NCTA and the American Discovery Trail Society who are not members of the BTA.  It will need a recreation councilman to oversee the chapter's commitment to having hiking, cycling and equestrian programs.

I'd wish that every trail adopter, section supervisor and state coordinator be members of the chapter.  If they live further away and can not readily attend meetings and functions, they'll have the right to appoint a representative.  Either they, or their representative have the right to veto any operation, or proposed operation of the chapter that falls under their jurisdiction.  But despite the egalitarian balance between the distance trails seeking to be covered, if one jurisdiction were vetoed, the council could continue in the other jurisdictions.  What matters with this is that they were offered, or given the same opportunities to begin with?

When we start out, we might be small.  We might only have to hold meetings quarterly.  If that's the case, I recommend that we meet on 5th Wednesdays.  In 2018, there are only four, but it's a regular day.  And all it would need is somebody's living room or basement.  But, I do happen to know where it could get something more commercial.  It just doesn't come with a kitchen.

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