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Posting Trail Photos On Your Social Media Account

The people out there need relief.  At least from time to time.  Their social media can get dominated by things that disturb them.  Individually, we're all widely distributed and connected to different people. But we can contribute to their relief by posting pictures of the trails that we've been on, or volunteer for.

For those of us who are volunteers, it's probably something that we should do periodically anyways.  That's because it's a form of free trail promotion that isn't very labor intensive.   But if you end up sharing that post on the Facebook wall for a trail agency, make sure that you set the post on your profile to "public."  Otherwise, the only people who will be able to see it on the agency's wall are those of it's members that your profile is friends with.

1 comment:

  1. This is a test of the public commenting for Treeman's Adventures and Volunteerism
