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Log 2016112701

The hard part is over.  The majority of the tracks for the North Country Trail in Michigan are now organized by chapter.  I made some mistakes in the Upper Peninsula tracks, so I started consulting the chapter spans from their individual web pages.

What's left with Michigan's tracks:

Changing every chapter's track color to NCT blue
Transplanting some missing tracks from my copy of the NCTA GIS Repository.  It's tracks are usually red.
After transplanting, turn all tracks in chapter folders to NCT blue

Numbering the tracks in westbound order.
Having Google Earth resort them in numeric order
Changing the track colors so that every other one is red or yellow.
Find smaller tracks and overtake them with a neighboring track (this lowers the track listing)
Adjust the track beginning and terminators to that one is directly on top of the other.
Determine what direction each track is facing and note it (Eb or Wb)
Reverse the eastbound tracks and integrate the new westbound tracks in their place
Merge chapter by chapter
Note each chapters mileage, high and low points
Report my findings to the North Country Trail's Facebook group.

That might seem like a lot, but it's just another day's volunteerism.  Right now, about 1,000 miles of trail is organized the way it should be.  And for today, that's good enough for me.  Wisconsin and Minnesota aren't going to be nearly as hard.  North Dakota's modified tracks just need to be cut down, or merged by chapter and reported on.

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