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I was on Part II of the Buckeye Trail Association's Circuit Hike program today.  It took place on the eastern portion of the Road Fork Section's on-road trail from west of the National Forest Service's Lamping Homsted to Ring Mill Campgrounds in the Marietta Unit.  I don't normall hike with others, but I had a good time.  Yesterday, I discovered that I didn't pack my 18L CamelBak backpack, but I had my 60L rucksack that I hadn't used in years.  So I filled it's 4L bladder up with water, come to find early in the hike that that the tube was brown it was contaminated.  I spit that water right out. I was content to make the 8 miles in 3 hours without water, but one of the event organizers gave me his reserve container.

The Circuit Hike program is for those that want to hike in a group for a day, or weekend at a time and eventually claim the entire circuit one day.  Road Fork has the best on-road on the circuit because by Buckeye standards, some feel that it might as well be off-road.  I've heard it likened to a "towpath."  I can't remember it very well, but I think that some of the roads are forested with patches of grass in them.  The section's on-road usually takes place on top of a ridge between two highways.  It's rough on my Chevy HHR to drive it.

The Road Fork Section is a part of The Wilderness Loop.  And I wanted to scout West Virginia east of this section for trail promotion reasons.  But I have somethings I have to attend to in NE Ohio on the 13th, so I'll have to leave the area tomorrow.

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