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Finding a pepper spray canister holder for hiking can be difficult.  But I wanted to show you what I use.  These photos were taken in the tool aisle at my local Home Depot store.

This clip is very good becase of the way it wraps.  But i carry mine on the shoulder straps of ruck sacks and it can be very difficult to fix to them.

As you can see, this is designed for flashlights.

This has elastic sides and is open on the top and bottom.  But my canister has never fell out.  Also, the pepper spray comes with a round ball key link on the bottom, which is low profile and makes it easy to draw from the holder.

This is where it was on the top shelf and all the way to the right.

Some hikers might tell you that this isn't necessary.  But many hikers are good at rules and not necessarily exceptions. On most trails in North America, there's not enough people on the trail to where you can rely on some kind"herd immunity."  10% of the population is immune to it's effects. But I was certified to use this in the Army and it took me from 6'6/ 230lbs down to a sobbing 4 year old child when they sprayed me. At that point, any 5'4/ 120lb woman could have flung me to the ground and beat me relentlessly.

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