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Log 2016040401

Picasa Web Albums is needed to host geotagged pictures from the Internet.  I'm glad that I tried it.  It generated a KML file with each geotag's embedded global coordinates.  And that's great because I plan on sharing these generated KML files with others.  Otherwise, if I hosted them from one of my computers, should I share that file, their mapping software would try to located the photo (at the specified location, but on their computer), Google Earth would return a white box with red "X's" in them (image file not found).

So I took the liberty of getting them named in Google Earth.  That was something that I wasn't able to do in Picasa Web Albums because I didn't have the photo thumbnails overlaid with the Buckeye Trail's tracks there.  Most of Whipple's on-road intersection pictures are missing.  I had KML placemarks for when I uploaded them from Picasa's desktop application last time.  But I'm lost as to where they went?  The Robot had a fresh Windows re-install in November.  So if for some reason, they were on the desktop application only... they're gone now.  But I can't see how that is.  Being a computer guy, I know that those photos must have had a physical location somewhere.  107 geotagged maintenance photos of Whipple Section - Buckeye/ North Country Trail's apertures and intersections are just gone.

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