At 133,975 miles on my 2008 Chevy HHR, I noticed that the USB cigarette lighter adapter was powering up and down while I was driving and the adapter and 3 port splitter's rocker switch was no longer lighting up. Furthermore, I don't remember turning it on to begin with. So either it over heated, or took a surge? Either way, they need to be replaced this month if I leave for my 4 day cycling trip.
I took some tracks along the Valley Bridle Trail in the Everett area in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Two days ago, I was tracing some trail on Google Earth for an amenity spur on the Ohio Transit Hiker's Resource - 2014 Edition. And the application was giving me some conflicting readings. I've noted in the past that the NP doesn't always upload every one of their trails to Google. And I think I saw something that I could use in the imagry, but I didn't realky know what it was. So, I went down there today to find out just that. Some times, you can't do it all from behind the desk.
For instance... there's a new map update for the Old Man's Cave Section in South Central Ohio. Because some of it takes place on an off-road bridle path in a heavily forested area (impossible to determine a trail's course in places like this from the desk), unless the BTA updates it's tracks, I won't have any new data until I'm there to get it myself.
Work on OTHR's guide is progressing. I only have the Akron, Road Fork & Whipple Section's left to do. The latter two are easy, they're just I'm putting the information on the county lines. The Akron Section. .. I'm about a 1/3rd through inputting it's information, but I needed to stop to get that GPX data today in the NP and in person.