Today, I went to work fabricating a new power distribution block out of a case for some midget wrenches. But considering that the block potentially channels 12V/ 30 - 80A/ 300 - 900+ watts, I was concerned that the plastic case wasn't thick enough to handle the heat. After all, it would be an 8 gauge cable attached to it getting unfused power directly from the battery and alternator. Here in Woodsfield, I shop at Advance Auto Parts, Auto Parts Plus and NAPA. None of them have a direct fit for what I'm trying to replace. But I went back to Advance again today and determined that I should try to order a new universal one.
They sell a 12 port unit, but its out of stock. It's on order and won't be in until 3pm tomorrow. Usually I pay up front when my parts are on order, but this time I choose to wait. I need to see if I can mount an 8 gauge cable to this new unit? Only time will tell, but I need to start logging more than I have to try and keep a record of all the shipping delays. So far, I just let time do it's thing and not really think twice of all the passing that it's been doing.
I live in the most remote part of Ohio. Monroe County has about 13,000 residents. Woodsfield has about 2,300 and its the most populous incorporated area in the county. I'm 19 miles south of anything even resembling a main supply line, but it will actually take 41 miles to get to a retailer that's on it.
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