Some Buckeye Trail Association (BTA) chapters work on consensus only and they do what they either feel like, or what they can agree on. But they way that I lead Adventurer's Project is with more of an addenda. In other words, I'm much more top down.
Trail promotion with the project has been with the intention of gaining more volunteers, or lately, it's been for volunteer procurement. But with the others, it's been for getting more hikers. Our neighbor to the west is hardly functional at present. And our neighbor to the north has had paid Facebook ads for their "likes," but their approach was statewide, instead of more local like us. As a result, we can ask them to post Noble County, Ohio events, but they have yet to develop the audience for them along the I-70 corridor between Zanesville, Ohio and Wheeling, West Virginia.
We have a very good reason to need such an audience and that is we have a supporter in Caldwell of Noble County, Ohio who offers us an event space for free so far with food and drink nearby.
Buckeye Trail Chapters have this "if you live closer" to such a section, then you should belong to such a chapter. Adventurer's Project has to honor those statements, so the I-70 Corridor is outside of our coverage area.
We have, however, had donated Facebook ads for page likes up there. And the way its going to be handled is we need to do it to secure our own needs for events in Noble County. When it comes to chapter side involvement, depending on where the participant lives, the project may need to refer them to their local chapter first. However, if the participant insists, then we'll take them as our chapterside supporters. But for the most part, what Adventurer's Project promotes for on the I-70 corridor is for event participants and more hikers on the sections that we cover.
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