Yesterday, I completed the map overlays for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Divisions of Parks, Forestry and Wildlife. The Division of Natural Areas only had a map for Boch Hollow, so I just made a placemark, which will become a waypoint in a GPS. Additionally, I marked the locations for the Ohio History Connection, which use to be the Ohio Historical Society.
I have the tracks for the Buckeye Trail split into it's 26 sections. But the goal here is to have enough data to write tracks between the on and off-road intersections. End users will be able to turn the tracks a different color on something like Google Earth to demonstrate where they've been. From there, they can either print the map, or they can do a "snap shot" in the application, save it as an image and make it their desktop background (repeating the process as they go)
There's been demand in the past for a paper poster with an Ohio outline and the BT's track where one could mark their progress. I've done a little investigating into this and anticipating the demands of the audience, I believe that it would have to produced on an architectural plotter. The problem with plotters is that they can use a lot of ink.
On the Buckeye Trail Facebook group, I asked if any members had a plotter? And the response that I got back were hypotheticals, or about services that would charge to have them made. But I'm familiar with plotter services and their mark up could make a print of this size impractical to sell.
These special tracks will allow the end hiker to do something like this. But it's probably best that it be on paper someday.
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