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West Virginia, Indiana ADT Segments, Water Resupply

I forgot to mention yesterday that I have GPS tracks for the American Discovery Trail. I completed them sometime in January or so. But some states weren't in segments as per their turn-by-turn guides. 

My next project will be to write a detailed document based on the minimum rate of progress needed to thru hike the trail.  Once I do that, I'll know when water is needed and where in the deserts.  If I can get that information, volunteers can camp in the desert and provide water resupply. Also, with the right volunteers and equipment, the ADTS could haul larger 65 gallons at a time .

However, in the case of both, they'll be restricting hikers to travel in a specific way in order to meet this resupply.  In other words, the lack of manpower will dictate how often this can be done. If you set the bar according to ADT's ability, it might be able to eek this out in succession for one pass of hikers, once a year.  Which could make their synchronizing with it tricky? But I don't know if there's enough manpower to do this once.

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